Drawing annotations using Android Canvas

Learn how to use VisionProcessor's onDrawFrame

onDrawFrame() basics

Java classes implementing the VisionProcessor interface inherit 3 very useful methods; we have extensively covered the uses of initand processFrame earlier in this documentation.

However there's still one more method we haven't explained, yet it holds great usefulness as well:

public void onDrawFrame(Canvas canvas, int onscreenWidth, int onscreenHeight, float scaleBmpPxToCanvasPx, float scaleCanvasDensity, Object userContext)

onDrawFrame() comes in handy for better visualization of your vision processing algorithm, although with a steep learning curve, since it introduces a new way to draw shapes and colors on top of our image processing results, which is often really useful to indicate the results of our pipelines, such as highlighting which elements are currently being detected, draw a multicolored 3d cube on top of signaled AprilTags, annotate text to describe detected objects, etcetera.

Since this drawing step is executed in another Thread (which means that it runs in parallel, at different pace than the rest of your vision processing), and is oftenly GPU accelerated to produce high quality rendering, it is needed to introduce this functionality as part of a separate method (step).

Android Canvas object

In Android, the Canvas object acts as a virtual drawing surface. You can use it to create a graphical context for drawing shapes, images, color, and text on the screen. The Canvas is, well, your canvas, and you can paint on it to visually enrich your VisionProcessor. EOCV-Sim is prepared to handle most Android Canvas use-cases and appropiately mocks this interface to use it in your desktop OS just as you would in an Android device within the FTC SDK.

  1. Canvas Drawing Methods: The Canvas provides various drawing methods to create different types of graphical elements. Some common methods include drawRect(), drawCircle(), drawLine(), drawText(), and many more. These methods allow you to draw shapes and text on the Canvas.

  2. Coordinate System: The Canvas uses a 2D Cartesian coordinate system, with the origin (0,0) at the top-left corner of the Canvas. Positive X values extend to the right, and positive Y values extend downward.

  3. Color and Style: You can set various attributes for your drawings using the Paint object. This includes attributes like stroke color, fill color, stroke width, and text size. You configure the Paint object and then use it in conjunction with Canvas drawing methods.

// Create a Paint object to set drawing attributes
Paint paint = new Paint();
paint.setColor(Color.RED); // Set the color to red

// Draw a red rectangle on the Canvas
canvas.drawRect(50, 50, 200, 200, paint);

Understanding the Paint object

The Android Paint object is used to define how graphical elements are drawn on the Canvas. It allows you to set multiple attributes such as color, style, stroke width, text size, and more. Understanding how to configure the Paint object is key for creating the desired visual effects when working with the Canvas. You can think of the Paint object as the combination of your bucket containing paint of a defined color, and its brush with a specific size and style, which you will later use to draw shapes using the methods of a Canvas.

  1. Color: The Paint object can set the color of lines, shapes, and text. You can use the setColor() method to specify the desired color. For example, paint.setColor(Color.RED) sets the paint color to red.

  2. Style: Paint can determine the style for drawing shapes and lines, such as FILL for filled shapes, STROKE for outlines, and FILL_AND_STROKE for both. Use setStyle() to configure the style.

  3. Stroke Width: You can specify the width of the stroke when drawing lines and shapes using the setStrokeWidth() method.

  4. Text Size: When drawing text, you can control the text size with setTextSize(). This is especially useful when annotating images or creating custom text labels.

  5. Typeface: The Paint object also allows you to set the typeface for text using setTypeface(), which can be used to customize the font style.

Paint paint = new Paint();
paint.setColor(Color.BLUE); // Set the color to blue
paint.setStyle(Paint.Style.FILL); // Fill the shape

Most of the methods from Canvas take a Paint object as an argument, which gives an easy way to draw multiple shapes and lines with the same color and parameters.

// Draw a blue filled circle on the Canvas
canvas.drawCircle(150, 150, 100, paint);

Handling context objects in a VisionProcessor

In the context of a VisionProcessor, handling a context object is a fundamental practice that involves managing and passing additional information and state data between processFrame and onDrawFrame. This mechanism is essential for efficient coordination and communication between these two components.

Let's review a few key concepts to make sure we're on track:

  1. VisionProcessor Interface: Defines methods for initializing, processing frames, and rendering visual data.

  2. Initialization: The init method sets up the processor with frame dimensions and calibration data.

  3. Processing Step: In processFrame, analyze frames, perform object detection, and store results in the context object.

  4. Context Object: Stores and passes information between processFrame and onDrawFrame methods.

  5. Context Object as UserContext: The context object from processFrame is returned as userContext for onDrawFrame.

  6. Rendering Step: onDrawFrame uses userContext to render visual annotations on the canvas.

  7. Data Flow: Context objects enable efficient data flow from processing to rendering.

public class SimpleVisionProcessor implements VisionProcessor {
    public void init(int width, int height, CameraCalibration calibration) {
        // Initialization code, if needed

    public Object processFrame(Mat frame, long captureTimeNanos) {
        // Process the frame, detect shapes, and store them in the context object
        List<Rect> detectedRects = detectRects(frame);
        // Return the context object as userContext
        return detectedShapes;

    public void onDrawFrame(Canvas canvas, int onscreenWidth, int onscreenHeight, float scaleBmpPxToCanvasPx, float scaleCanvasDensity, Object userContext) {
        // Render detected shapes using the userContext (which is the context object)
        drawRects(canvas, (List<Rect>) userContext);

    // TODO: Implement detectRects and drawRects...

For the purposes of this example, we won't write the implementation details of detectRects, but this should give a barebones demonstration of how the userContext works.

Note how we pass a context object from processFrame, by returning it through this method;

// Process the frame, detect shapes, and store them in the context object
List<Rect> detectedRects = detectRects(frame);

// Return the context object as userContext
return detectedShapes;

Now let's see how we handle this userContext in onDrawFrame, where we need to perform type casting to ensure we are actually getting the expected object that was created in processFrame:

(List<Rect>) userContext

OpenCV to Android Canvas Position transformations

Due to the differences in size and aspect ratio between the Android Canvas and the image coming from OpenCV, we do need to perform a few simple transformations to display our shapes in the adequate positions. For example, we can implement a utility method that converts an OpenCV rectangle into Canvas positions:

private android.graphics.Rect makeGraphicsRect(Rect rect, float scaleBmpPxToCanvasPx) {
     int left = Math.round(rect.x * scaleBmpPxToCanvasPx);
     int top = Math.round(rect.y * scaleBmpPxToCanvasPx);
     int right = left + Math.round(rect.width * scaleBmpPxToCanvasPx);
     int bottom = top + Math.round(rect.height * scaleBmpPxToCanvasPx);
     return new android.graphics.Rect(left, top, right, bottom);

Note that the parameter scaleBmpPxToCanvasPx is a pretty useful scale factor that easily allows you to correctly place shapes on the Android Canvas, it is calculated under the hood and provided to your code through the onDrawFrame method; take the following code as an example of how to use this utility

public void onDrawFrame(Canvas canvas, int onscreenWidth, int onscreenHeight, float scaleBmpPxToCanvasPx, float scaleCanvasDensity, Object userContext) {
    Rect rect = ...; // OpenCV rectangle
    Paint rectPaint = new Paint();
    rectPaint.setStrokeWidth(scaleCanvasDensity * 4);

    canvas.drawRect(makeGraphicsRect(rect, scaleBmpPxToCanvasPx), rectPaint);

You can find the full example code here and test it out on EOCV-Sim or even your own robot!

Last updated